Signed Song to Take the World by Storm #Onomatopeia


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Signed Song to Take the World by Storm


Italy to AU. AU to US. US to MEX. MEX to US. To AU – from the freaky fusion Artist that lived by LEAVE.

I realised one of my connections early last year. A DJ – Producer from Italy, who contacted me and commissioned me to make a track for his musical inspiration.

I flew from here to Colorado – and considered, considered. I seldom found a struggle in writing songs but this one was a challenge. And the timing was not yet ideal. I roamed to Mexico, still with this track pending. Post Pageant Press happened via channels.. I came back to Colorado Springs and witnessed the first snow of the season. I began writing. This track still pending. Considered. Considered. Not yet delivered.

I skipped to Arizona. Trekked through Tonto Basin and a plethora of Playground type places. A quiet day in Mesa, I began to track it. I wrote it and had squeezed the notion out of my husband. I needed inspiration. Who is Muse to Muze? With so many concepts and the terrifying classification in real life.. How, what, to whom – and why?

O, on the dust.

Oh. No Fuss.

Santarini never complained, never pushed, or did anything other than support my journey. A track would eventuate, inspired by #pixbylitz – and it would encompass the fantastical #wordnerd elements of Mia Muze that I thought might no longer be legit… Alas! #educationmatters it turns out and this track takes you through an eerie journey of jungleriffic electro stomp.

It is now signed in full to Duqua Records.
Thank You for realising the songwriting speciality and vocalista stylings of Mia Muze. The Artist that brought you Storm. Producer of Summer Storm.

A deep bow to Santarini for this SALUBRIOUS SONG and Pix by Litz for sparking my interest when nothing else will.

Beats and Treats. With Love.

This track was released on 15 Nov 2019 Internationally.

Onomatopoeia feat Mia Muze by DJ Santarini – Duqua Records