As an Australian, I truly have had every opportunity to seek out any educative standard that could be imagined. Fortunate.
The name Muze came from an online website I had Muze Design and Management, prior to music. In the early naughties.
I’ve always enjoyed graphic art and wanted to leave school in Year 10 to join Billy Blue Graphic Art School upon doing some work experience via Billy Blue Design and Writing. Later my sister picked up a qualification from the elite school. Better one of us than none of us 🙂 I went on to do some Psychology w/ Honours, Business later completing a Degree in Pop Music. My entire education has been an arena for Arts and Media, and my life has been expressed this way.
Having watched Mother create, establish and operate several innovative schools – for Dog Trainers, Horse Trainers (Internationally), Independently.
Business has always been my Bug. Management is the Arena where teaching and collaborative learning can be applied. This has become my specialty having been a Business Manager for 15+ yrs .
Muze: Design and Management
ART on Mia Muze instagram with website front.
Part of Logo Life Art by Mia Muze this year included ‘STRIVE – Education, Learning’ #logolife #miamuze
I don’t believe in dominating a group of people with authority, though do understand that organised learning is a must. I therefore endorse any EDUCATIVE element in life that is truly helpful.
Self Learning – Independent Learning, is where it’s at. Or perhaps, an amalgam of a few tools.
#SharingInformation is what I believe Media is truly about. It is our responsibility as Humans that our intelligence is precious and should be cultivated.
That is why I decided to create the ‘premise’ of school via social media as a way to connect with more #studentstyle people interested in self educating and learning collaboratively.
First page for Indie Art School, by Indie Pop Queen can be found on this site permanently and will be updated as it progresses. Take me there now 🙂