What a wonderful thing.
The experience was something I didn’t realise I had been looking forward to for some time now.
So, I am always either not around when Awards and Music Industry Parties occur. I’ve been too busy, ya know – in the world. Eluding all most every responsibility. Lucky me.
I have for a time, wanted to attend a Songwriters Convention in Nashville but always dirt poor with no facility to travel out of the current hole I’ve dug for myself and jumped in.
Last year, I was booked to attend a Gala Dinner in Melbourne for people and publishers like me, or something. I would’ve used this one event to wear #sashtime for the Finalist Channel of Miss National AU 2018. Had this group of women not slaughtered my ability to trust wannabes to understand any real thing, like copywritten law and respecting individuality and not want to whore and eat it #dontbackdown #nashies #messagemaker had me deciding to hand off my seat to a wannabe who did nothing with it, but did giggle over copyrighting the word ‘Girlfriendship’ after being completely threatened by my presence in the Pageant. Dudettes, the pageant completely threatened my Artistry and the heart of the truth. LOL.
Tara from the Awards contacts me as Coordinator of the Regional Delegates and sorts me a trip in with the help of Emily. What is this magical carpet ride I have found myself on? OK. I’m in. Seat of my pants. I don’t have time for this, but I’m making it. And I’m so glad I did.
I’m off.. to Brisbane City. In ‘Leave’ known more affectionately as Brissy Vey. Nobody says that. Just me. Lol. For the most part, it’s known as Bris Vegas. Due to the Gotham City Like Night Skyline.. Make Sense? No. It shouldn’t. Because Brisbane is a beautiful City with old sandstone buildings and a care of cleanliness, bike and thus people walking trails, active life and so forth. The only nuances I found in the 3 times I chose to move away was… Cesspool of heat in the summer regardless of your proximity to the Brisbane River, and a bridge tends to fall down with low integrity during flood season, and that just stuffs everything up!
You may not know this, but I actually ‘became’ Mia Muze in Brisbane City 2006. For reals. Created my first promo there. Reached out to my first networks. Tried. Failed. Learnt. Built.
At the Brisbane Powerhouse Museum, I finally felt at home. With textural similarities to the Mill in Downtown Tempe, Arizona and a feel of old Sydney and my childhood in the Sydney Powerhouse and NSW Art Gallery all mixed into a musty mood of Arts and Culture. Cool. I go in. I witness forums. I am stoked by Music in Politics led by strong and informative Women.
I don’t agree with everything I hear, but that’s okay. But is it? I am an Artist and I am sensitive. The Producer says shut the fuck up.
The Artist wins.
During the After Ceremony Party, I decide to connect with everyone because I am always much better with a couple of Champers under my belt. I don’t drink Champers, or anything actually. Yeah, yeah – I had to learn to drink in the Mountains. Jeez… Whiskey in the Woods Mia.
Hi ya! Blah!! I’m so awkward. And awkward. And I somehow make these amazing connections surrounding this whole event. Which by the way was brilliant. Led by Auntie who was the Magnificent Elder of this particular land led in the children and they presented the Indigenous Culture to open the arena for more music and life.
Before the ceremony, I was chatting to the illustrious and tenured Opera Soprano Cheryl Barkerwright who was apologetic when they needed her on stage. What? A wonderful woman whom I am honoured to have connected with. Her salubrious song led us into what would be a special night for all the Women of the Australian Music Awards. I learnt about who was doing what and enjoyed the opportunity to make connections with peers and people who have accomplished a great deal in life and music despite difficulties and in my case, continuous discovery of even more women like me who had so much to share and storytell.
Highlights for me were to see acknowledgements given to deserving Artists like Christine Anu, who really stood for a lot of First Nation and Women of Other Nations in the realm of Australia at the time. I listened and loved all of her songs and still sing them to you – til this day #casualcovers
Women who had worked as Engineers and within the Australian Music Industry before the internet. When absolutely everything was human to human. Amazing.
I’m not very good with knowing everyone’s names.. People I’ve met – who directly affect me, but I have always been one of those musical creators that due to the nature of my obsession and lifestyle, don’t actively follow and find all the currently popular artists. I love a good recommendation though. And direct experiential affectation.
Amazing show set out by the Founder of the Event, Vicki Gordon. A strong pillar of the community for women and music directly, and thus it made sense for her to be realising the 2nd Inaugural awards #awma19
The forums were a great way to have the public access people directly related to topics in Music in Australia. You can find some of these on #indieartschool pages of this site. I was affirmed and affected by Yumi Stynes’ perspective. HOW OPERA had an amazing panel of strong female leaders that all had varying works withing Australian Opera. Two I met include the very strong Jordin Sparks and the lovely Deborah Cheetham. Respect to each of them. Great discussions – approachable people and very experienced in their craft.
Back to the Evening – the staff of the Brisbane Powerhouse and the AWMAs were so professional and all pleased to be a part of it all. Kudos to the entire Team.
It was a night of a lifetime and I was happy to be a part of it.
To all the Women who Won Awards that night.
Well done.